My Favourite Yoga Aasans

Yoga needs time, yoga needs patience, and if you allow, Yoga itself will teach you everything.

Yoga has been a relaxing practice for me since my school days. I was introduced to yoga by my mother, and it became my medicine for relief since the day when I got confident in doing the yoga asans.

Obesity is a very common problem these days, and this problem demands a full concentration and dedication.

The first and foremost thing I would like to share with you, that Yoga does NOT show physical results instantly, but emotional and mental strength can start to attain from the very first day. Yoga needs time, yoga needs patience, and if you allow, Yoga itself will teach you everything.

Here, I share my favourite Yoga asans, a beginner can do, to increase flexibility, strength and confidence to do more and level up in yoga.

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Mix one table spoon of honey with warm water and drink it empty stomach in the morning everyday. This drink is tasty and super healthy. Honey helps to purify the body and kill the fat molecules fast, whilst drinking warm water with empty stomach helps to reduce the fat very fast. You can also add lemon if you wish to !


Surya namaskar is the most beautiful and effective Yoga exercise. After your warm up, start with 12 steps of basic Surya Namaskar. Surya Namaskar has various versions but I suggest you do the basic version. From the flexibility, to core strength. From improving your digestion and helping you a relaxing sleep, Surya Namaskar affects every muscle of your body if done properly. Make sure you do it in the very beginning to make your muscles yoga ready. Start with practicing Surya Namaskar 5 times daily, learn the process and delicately designed asans and increase it to 10 and week wise. For example:- 3-10-15-10-15-20-10… Till you gain confidence and strength.


Stretching helps the side bulges of the stomach to dilute fast. The exercise should be slow, to increase the intensity and effect on muscle.

Procedure:- Join your hands in a namaskar mudra and raise them above your head. Stretch as much as you can and slowly stretch left then come back. Wait for 1 second and then go rightward. Make sure your toes are joined and not apart. Slowly stretch and keep feeling the stretch on your stomach sides. More the bulges more strong the feeling of stretch. Do it 50 times i.e. 25-25 each side atleast. again do it while opening the legs wide. this too provides a good amount of stretch. do it again 25-25 each side.


Stretches calf muscles and increases height.

Procedure:- It starts by lying on your stomach with chin touching the floor. Keep your hands near your chest. Now push your back upside, hips up and put the pressure on your toes and hands. “Parvat” means a hill. Thus your body forms a hill like structure. Stay in the position for 2-3 seconds and slowly come back. Repeat 5-6 times.


Trikon means a triangle in Sanskrit.

Procedure:- stand with legs wide shoulder length. Stretch your arms wide at your side with shoulder level. Slowly, bend to your right, making your right hand grip your right feet and your left arm straight up without movement. Try to watch your left arm. Come up and then do the same bending leftward and watching your right arms up.

This particular exercise should be done 20 times(10-10 each) and increased gradually.


This is a very popular asan from the yoga, to treat the belly fat rapidly. Try to touch your toes with your fingers and your head on your knees while sitting on yoga mat. At first the belly fat won’t allow you to reach your tows, but practicing this asan everyday 20 times, will give you success. This asan can also be practiced while sitting as well as standing. It helps to reduce the belly and also the calf muscles. Those, who have knee problems, can practice this asan while sitting, and this allows the stomach to reduce and it also reduces the weight on knees.


It helps to increase height and relaxes the nerves of the body, head to toe. Make a grip of your hands and stretch them up. Make sure your shoulders touch your ears. Try to stretch as much as possible. After a second, lift your heels up. Stretch maximum.
This asan also helps the body to stretch and make all the muscles active.

Hope they help you for beginning your yoga routine. 🙂

Love, Shambhavi

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